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赵壹,原名赵强,号野桥,咸若,斋室名咸若精舍,生于河北容城,长于内蒙包头,少时从焦可群,阿老诸先生习画,2000年毕业于南开大学东方艺术系,师从范曾,杜滋龄,陈玉圃诸先生。2001年水墨人物画作品悲欣交集参加北京市青年美展并获一等奖,山水画作品获建党八十周年书画展二等奖。曾任经典classic杂志艺术总监,发表艺术访谈系列艺术是无用的——访独立艺术批评家栗宪庭翰逸神飞——专访陈逸飞成名是个灾难——访著名人物画家何家英经典是什么,什么是经典——艺术家陈丹青访谈 现为中国艺术研究院杜滋龄工作室助教,北京市美术家协会会员,作品以现代水墨人物为主,兼擅花鸟,山水,书法力追汉简,参八大,弘一书昧。书画作品为多家画廊代理,作品广为美国日本韩国瑞典香港台湾及国内各地收藏家企业家及友人收藏。2008年人物画作品五月入选中国当代艺术英才作品展暨纪念改革开放三十周年巡展 。Zhao Yi is a young Chinese artist whose original name is Zhao Qiang,pen name is Ye Qiao or Xian Ruo. Born in Rongcheng City,Hebei Province and grown up in Baotou City,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,he was ever taught by professors of Jiao Kequn and A Lao in childhood. Graduated from Nankai University in 2000,majored in Eastern Art, he was tutored by famous professors of Fan Zeng,Du Ziling, and Chen Yupu etc. In 2001, the water ink portrait work Sadness and Joy won the first prize in Beijing youth art exhibition and a landscape painting work won the second prize in the 80th anniversary painting and calligraphy exhibition.When he was an Art President of the famous magazine CLASSIC,many good interview articles were published such as Art Is Useless -Visiting Li Xianting,a free artistic critic , Writing Leisurely God Flies-Interviewing Chen Yifei,Becoming Famous Is a Disaster-Visiting Renowned Character Painter He Jiaying,Classics Is What and What Is Classics- Interviewing Chen Danqing . Now he is an assistant professor of Du Ziling studio in China Art Academy,a member of Beijing Artist Association. His works mainly focuses on figure of modern ink painting,and also Chinese painting of mountains and waters,birds and flowers. His style of calligraphy follows Han dynasty and also refers to masters of art in Qing dynasty - Ba Da and Hong Yi.His calligraphy and paintings are sold in many galleries and also collected by home and abroad collectors and entrepreneurs,such as in United States, Japan, South Korea,Sweden,Hong Kong and Taiwan, etc. In 2008 the water ink portrait work MAY was selected in Chinese Contemporary Art Talent works itinerant exhibition and commemorating China 30th anniversary of reform and opening up tour.
